1. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@159f2b46
1948 Sur la diminution de la teneur en virus (Marmor tabaci Holmes) de tissus de tabac cultiv 6s in vitro. Compt. rend. 227 688-689.
2. The influence of the composition of the medium on growth in vitro of excised tobacco and sunflower tissue cultures;Am. J. Botany,1946
3. Folic acid as a growth requirement for psittacosis virus;Bact. Proc.,1949
4. The effect of members of the vitamin B complex on the growth of fowl laryngotracheitis virus;Bact Proc.,1949
5. com.atypon.pdfplus.internal.model.plusxml.impl.AuthorGroup@36cc18af
1943 A handbook of plant tissue culture. Jaques Cattell Press Lancaster Pa.