E1a regions of the human adenoviruses and of the highly oncogenic simian adenovirus 7 are closely related


Kimelman D,Miller J S,Porter D,Roberts B E


Simian adenovirus 7 (SA7) is a highly oncogenic virus, capable of causing tumors in hamsters upon the direct injection of viral DNA. We determined the transcriptional organization of the transforming region and compared it with that of the human adenoviruses. This analysis demonstrated that there are two independently promoted transcription units similar to the E1a and E1b regions of the human adenoviruses. The nucleotide sequence of the SA7 E1a region demonstrated considerable homology with the human adenoviruses, both in the sequences that regulate E1a expression and in the encoded polypeptides. The amino acid homology was reflected in the ability of SA7 to complement the growth of human adenoviruses mutant in the E1a region. Furthermore, we found two regions of amino acid homology unique to SA7 and the highly oncogenic human adenovirus 12.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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