1. Molecular Biology and Functional Genomics Platform, National Center for Scientific and Technical Research (CNRST), Rabat, Morocco
2. Neuroscience and Neurogenetics Research Team, Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
3. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Team, Center of Plant and Microbial Biotechnology, Biodiversity, and Environment, Faculty of Sciences, Mohammed V University of Rabat, Rabat, Morocco
4. Cell Culture Unit, Center of Virology, Infectious, and Tropical Diseases, Med V Military Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
5. Genomic Center for Human Pathologies (GENOPATH), Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy, University Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco
6. Virology and Infectious Tropical Diseases Center, Med V Military Hospital, Rabat, Morocco
7. National Influenza Center, Virology Department, Institut National d’Hygiène, Rabat, Morocco
8. National Institute of Hygiene, Rabat, Morocco
9. Ibn Tofaïl University-CNESTEN, Joint Research Unit in Nutrition and Food, RDC-Nutrition AFRA/IAEA, Rabat-Kénitra, Morocco