Anatomy of Herpes Simplex Virus DNA XII. Accumulation of Head-to-Tail Concatemers in Nuclei of Infected Cells and Their Role in the Generation of the Four Isomeric Arrangements of Viral DNA


Jacob Robert J.1,Morse Lawrence S.1,Roizman Bernard1


1. Marjorie B. Kovler Viral Oncology Laboratories, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 60637


Previous reports (H. Delius and J. B. Clements, J. Gen. Virol. 33 :125-134, 1976; G. S. Hayward, R. J. Jacob, S. C. Wadsworth, and B. Roizman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 72 :4243-4247, 1975; B. Roizman, G. S. Hayward, R. Jacob, S. W. Wadsworth, and R. W. Honess, Excerpta Med. Int. Congr. Ser. 2 :188-198, 1974) have shown that herpes simplex virus DNA extracted from virions accumulating in the cytoplasm of infected cells consists of four populations of linear molecules differing in the orientation of the covalently linked large (L) and small (S) components relative to each other. Together, these four isomeric arrangements of viral DNA display four different termini and four different L-S component junctions. In the studies reported in this paper, we analyzed with restriction endonucleases the newly replicated viral DNA shortly after the onset of viral DNA synthesis, the progeny DNA accumulating in the nuclei late in infection, and rapidly sedimenting DNA present in nuclei of infected cells at 8 h after infection. In each instance the nuclear viral DNA contained a decreased concentration of all four terminal fragments and an increase in the concentration of fragments spanning the junction of L and S components relative to the concentration of other DNA fragments. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the viral DNA accumulating in the nuclei consists of head-to-tail concatemers arising from the replication of DNA by a rolling-circle mechanism. A model is presented for generation of all four isomeric arrangements of herpes simplex virus DNA from one arrangement based on excision and repair of unit length DNA from head-to-tail concatemers and known features of the sequence arrangement of viral DNA.


American Society for Microbiology


Virology,Insect Science,Immunology,Microbiology

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