Transport and transport infrastructure of Ukraine in the pre-war period (2010-2021)


Radchenko Oleksandr1ORCID,Kuczabski Aleksander1ORCID,Boychuk Alina1,Klimovych Serhiy1


1. Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management, University of Gdańsk, Poland


The article researches the development state of transport and transport infrastructure in Ukraine over last years. The research findings specify the topicality of the issue solution concerning the enhancement of transport and transport infrastructure in the conditions of structural, energy and financial crises, as well as considering a destructive influence of COVID-19 pandemic, occupation of Crimea, an anti-terrorist operation in East of Ukraine and a full-scale intervention of the Russian Federation started on February 24, 2022. Such methods of improving transport and transport infrastructure development in Ukraine have been offered under the research findings: the increase of public administration level with regard to all aspects of transport infrastructure; the use of proactive management; activation of searches and implementation of investment projects; introduction of an institute of public- private partnership on transport; partial and temporary decrease of tax burden; the development of complex solutions for transport services consumers under the infrastructure areas; optimization of transport pricing, etc.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

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