Archaeological and archaeobotanical data from Malice and Lengyel culture site no. 8 in Kraków-Górka Narodowa (Southern Poland)


Kowalczyk-Matys Paulina1


1. Institute of Archaeology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland


Preliminary data from newly excavated archaeological site no. 8 in Kraków-Górka Narodowa (southern Poland) show that two main phases of Early Neolithic occupation can be distinguished based on pottery finds, one associated with the Malice culture and the other with the Pleszów- Modlnica group of the Lengyel culture. These data are presented along with lithic materials and discussed in the context of the results of the archaeobotanical analysis. Charred plant macro-remains obtained from 18 samples coming from five archaeological features showed that the only cultivated plants documented were two species of cereals: Triticum dicoccum and Triticum monococcum. Wild herbaceous plants were represented by several taxa such as Chenopodium type album, Bromus sp., Echinochloa crus-galli, Sambucus sp. and Fallopia convolvulus, among others. In addition, a single nutshell of hazel Corylus avellana appeared. Among wood charcoal remains, only two taxa were found: Quercus sp. and Fraxinus excelsior.


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