1. Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
2. The Maria Grzegorzewska University
This article presents the results of the Polish adaptation of McAdams and de St. Aubin’s Loyola Generativity Scale (LGS) and Generative Behaviour List (GBC) – the scales respectively measure generative concern and generative behaviour. Results from a sample of N = 237 individuals aged 19–93 years showed good internal reliability of the LGS and GBC. Their results correlated positively. Most hypotheses supporting the criterion-relevance of the LGS and GBC were confirmed, including showing positive correlations of both scales with the intensity of meaning in life, extroversion and openness to experiences, as well as a negative correlation of the LGS with depressive symptoms. The CFA supported the original two-factor model of the LGS. In addition, the high stability of LGS scores over a three-week period in a sample of N = 30 students was shown. The Polish adaptations of the LGS and the GBC are reliable and valid tools and can be used in research work.
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