Możliwości utrzymywania stosunków dyplomatycznych z Tajwanem z uwzględnieniem kontekstu prawnego, gospodarczego i politycznego


Hązła Marceli1ORCID


1. Poznań University of Economics and Business


Possibilities of maintaining diplomatic relations with Taiwan considering the legal, economic and political context Taiwan’s current status has been shaped by a multitude of historical, legal, economic, and political circumstances. However, as outlined in this article, its status does not conform to the ‘one China’ principle promoted by the People’s Republic of China, according to which it should be treated as a Chinese province. The possibility of maintaining diplomatic relations with Taiwan is, therefore, largely dependent on current political arrangements, and a decision in this regard should be tailored to the agenda and objectives of each country that is considering establishing such relations. Over the last few years, for example, one can observe a slow change of stance in this regard on the part of the United States, Japan, and EU member states, which, in the face of the war in Ukraine and growing tensions between Western countries and China, have begun to express support for Taiwan’s democratic society with greater boldness. This article makes exemplary recommendations touching on three main spheres of activity – diplomatic, economic, and military – that can be used by democratic states wishing to demonstrate support for Taiwan in its long struggle for international subject status.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

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