Wydarzenie modowe jako marka kulturotwórcza tworząca wartość dla klienta


Szymczyk Justyna1ORCID


1. University of Economics in Katowice


Significant transformations are currently being observed in the field of culture, manifesting themselves through the search for and implementation of modern management strategies in this domain. With the incorporation of marketing practice and the perception of cultural institutions, events, and artists as brands, it becomes necessary to consider the specificity of culture, its mission as well as the needs of artists. The brand – in parallel with market relations and customer knowledge – represents a valuable resource that enables the attainment of substantial competitive advantage, in line with the resource-based theory. This article focuses on the phenomenon of event marketing as a tool for creating value for customers in the fashion sector and presents four levels of event marketing maturity. The study confirms that event marketing – when reaching an appropriate level of maturity – creates value for the customer. Additionally, the article presents key factors influencing the creation of value for customers through event marketing. The proposed model and conditions for effective implementation can be used as practical guidelines for designing and implementing fashion events aimed at maximising customer value. The conclusions drawn from this study are of significant importance for professionals in the fashion industry who seek to utilise event marketing as a tool for creating value for customers. Managing the brand in the context of fashion events as a culture-creating brand becomes a crucial element that enables the attainment of substantial competitive advantage in the fields of culture and fashion.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference25 articles.

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