Cele zarządzania ryzykiem w polskich przedsiębiorstwach sektora mediów notowanych na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie


Bąk SylwiaORCID


Risk Management Objectives in Polish Enterprises in the Media Sector Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange Risk management is an extremely important domain of management, conditioning the develop­ment of enterprises and business continuity, as well as developing and maintaining a competitive position. The main purpose of this text is to identify and categorize the risk management objec­tives adopted in Polish enterprises in the media sector listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE). The aim of empirical research was achieved through the use of triangulation of research meth­ods. The following methods were used in the research process: the method of analyzing the con­tent of source documents of the studied group of enterprises, the logic classification method and the comparative method. The main research findings indicate that: the overriding goal of risk man­agement in the surveyed companies formulating them in a hierarchical system is in most cases en­suring compliance with the applicable requirements of external and internal origin, and the specif­ic objectives (being components of the overarching goal) are mainly determined by the specificity of the media sector. The obtained research results refer to both the theory and practice of risk manage­ment among enterprises representing the media sector and may serve as a source of knowledge for the stakeholders of companies being listed entities, which constitutes the added value of this work.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference30 articles.

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5. Beauchamp-Akatova E., Curran R. (2013). From Initial Risk Assessments to System Risk Management. „Journal of Modelling in Management”, 8(3), s. 262–289.








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