1. 1. Holinshed, Raphael, The first and second volumes of Chronicles comprising 1 The description and history of England, 2 The description and history of Ireland, 3 The description and history of Scotland: first collected and published by Raphael Holinshed, William Harrison, and others…, London: Henry Denham, 1587.
2. 2. A Parable of the Spider and the Flie, Made by John Heywood, London: Thomas Powell, 1556.
3. 3. Bakhtin, Mikhail, Rabelais and His World, trans. Hélène Iswolsky, Bloomington, Indiana 1984.
4. 4. de la Bère, Rupert, John Heywood: Entertainer, London 1937.
5. 5. Blayney, Peter, The Stationers Company and the Printers of London, 2 vols., Cambridge 2013.