Between Biology and Culture. Polish Reflections on the Concept of Race in the Nineteenth Century


Nowak Joanna1ORCID,Wrzesińska Katarzyna1ORCID


1. Institute of Slavic Studies


In the nineteenth century, the Polish reflection on race and derivative terms was strongly influenced by the Western thought. New achievements and terminology in the field of natural sciences were adopted. Gradually, there was a change of look at peoples, their origin and diversity. In the Enlightenment, while hierarchizing humankind, its biological variety was emphasized. The Romanticism focused on human culture and spirituality. The Positivism, in turn, based on the achievements of natural sciences, saw the basis for evaluation of human groups in biological criteria. The state of contemporary ideas and knowledge favoured the formulation of various racial theories, which also had their own political context. The analysis of Polish sources made it possible to show the specificity of the domestic view in this field. It was often critical, but also approving the division of humankind into lower and higher races. This resulted from the adoption of a Eurocentric point of view. Historiosophy, seeking factors determining a historical role of a given race, also contributed to the search for differences between the white nations of Europe.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego


History and Philosophy of Science

Reference148 articles.

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3. 3. Głos - Głos. Tygodnik literacko-społeczno-polityczny

4. 4. Prawda - Prawda. Tygodnik polityczny, społeczny i literacki

5. 5. Wędrowiec - Wędrowiec. Pismo obejmujące podróże i wyprawy połączone z opisem zwyczajów i obyczajów ludów cudzoziemskich; życiorysy sławnych cudzoziemców, powiastki i przekłady z literatury zagranicznej, wiadomości z dziedziny nauk przyrodzonych, przemysłu i technologii, rozmaitości







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