Postawy obywatelskie w profilaktyce wiktymizacyjnej


Hołyst Brunon1


1. Nasarava State University, Keffi Nigeria; Warsaw Management University


Civic activity, i.e. voluntary action for the benefit of social interest, is regarded as the basis for the existence of civil society. Civic activity is expressed, among other things, in the giving of time, labor, energy, knowledge or money, that is, in the giving of one’s own resources for the benefit of others – for someone else’s benefit, but also for one’s own benefit. The type of activity in question is characterized by two properties. First, it is a purposeful activity, and it is based on the fact that man is a dynamic, acting being. Specific actions are directed toward something, and therefore are not a direct reaction resulting from the appearance of certain external factors, but are the result of a cognitive analysis of the situation. The type of activity in question refers to actions taken by an individual alone or together with others, with an intention aimed at the welfare of members of his own community. Every, even individually implemented action for the benefit of others contains a social context. Then “social” does not mean “group”, but “undertaken for the benefit of the community. The article examines in detail not only the essence of civic activity, also civic education, “civic organizations” and paying taxes.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference34 articles.

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