Od naruszenia bezpieczeństwa przetwarzanych danych osobowych do nałożenia kary przez Prezesa UODO– zagadnienia praktyczne


Klich Aleksandra1ORCID,Skrendo BartoszORCID


1. University of Szczecin


In the study, the authors focus on the practical aspects of personal data security management in the context of Polish legal regulations. They analyzed the concept of a personal data security incident and breach along with the necessary steps leading from a data security breach to the possible imposition of a penalty by the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection (UODO). The authors pointed out that to avoid sanctions, a personal data processor must not only comply with the minimum legal requirements but also focus on implementing measures to ensure an adequate level of security. The authors indicate the need for effective data protection through monitoring, rapid response to incidents and employee education. The authors point out that awareness of data security risks and effective preventive measures can help avoid sanctions from the President of the UODO. The conclusions of the publication provide a practical guide for data processors seeking to effectively protect personal data in a dynamic legal environment.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

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