About Adapting Conrad’s Prose to Film


Skolik JoannaORCID


On the example of Apocalypse Now by F. F. Coppola, Heart of Darkness by N. Roeg, The Duellists by R. Scott, The Shadow Line by A. Wajda, and Secret Sharer by P. Fudakowski, I would like to show that Joseph Conrad’s prose is a cinematic trap for film directors. This being so, I attempt to answer the question as to why it is so difficult to make a film of something that is so cinematic, when it is being read, and why film adaptations that closely follow Conrad’s narratives are less Conradian than films which are “merely” inspired by Conrad’s works.


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Reference27 articles.

1. Barańczak, Stanisław. Mały, lecz maksymalistyczny Manifest translatologiczny albo: Tłumaczenie się z tego, że tłumaczy się wiersze również w celu wytłumaczenia innym tłumaczom, iż dla większości tłumaczeń wierszy nie ma wytłumaczenia [A small but maximalist translatological manifesto, or, explaining yourself that you translate poems also in order to explain to other translators that for the majority of translations there is no explanation]. Teksty Drugie, no. 3 (1990), pp. 7-66.

2. Barańczak, Stanisław. Ocalone w tłumaczeniu: szkice o warsztacie tłumacza poezji z dołączeniem małej antologii przekładów [Saved in translation: sketches on the craft of translating poetry. A small anthology of translated poetry included]. Poznań: a5, 1992.

3. Borders, Meredith. “From Page To Screen: The 10 Best Film Adaptations of Classic Novels,” Lit Reactor, 9 November 2012, http://litreactor.com/columns/from-page-to-screen-the-10-best-film-adaptations-of-classic-novels.

4. Chatman, Seymour. “2 ½ film version of Heart of Darkness.” In Conrad on Film, edited by Gene M. Moore, pp. 207-223. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997.

5. Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. Edited with an Introduction by Paul O’Prey. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1989.








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