Archiwizacja Webu w Europie – narodowe archiwa Sieci


Konopa BartłomiejORCID


WEB archiving in Europe – National WEB Archives Web archiving, that is activities aimed at collecting and preserving Web resources, has been carried out for almost 25 years. During this time, many projects have been created to fulfill that task, as well as several organizations, such as the International Internet Preservation Consortium, that support it implementation. The article presents the development of activities in this area, and then presents the conclusions of the analysis of the functioning of selected European national Web archives, based on publicly available materials concerning them. This analysis was intended to examine how the Web is currently archived in this part of the world. Three main issues were considered: gathering, describing and access to the resources of the former WWW. The first of them covers the scope of archiving, namely determining what materials are subject to it, as well as the gathering strategies used for this purpose, which shape the archival collections. The second concerns the metadata and other elements used to convey information about what was collected during that process. The last element of the analysis includes the scope of access to archival WWW resources, existing restrictions and their causes, as well as the tools used for this. During the research, the author also became interested in the software used in individual projects. The obtained results show that the model of Web archive has been developed and the activities of the analyzed initiatives in Europe are very similar.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

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