Testate amoebae: a review on their multiple uses as bioindicators


Freitas Yasmin de Góes Cohn1,Ramos Beatriz Rodrigues D’Oliveira1,da Silva Yemna Gomes1,Sampaio Gabriela Silva1,Nascimento Letícia da Silva2,Branco Christina Wyss Castelo1,Miranda Viviane Bernardes dos Santos1


1. Neotropical Limnology Group, Department of Zoology, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro

2. Neotropical Limnology Group, Department of Zoology, Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro; Intitute of Biological Sciences, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Testate amoebae (TA) are unicellular protozoans enclosed in a test capable of indicating a wide variety of environmental conditions. Among others, characteristics such as short life cycle, great sensitivity and worldwide distribution makes them adequate bioindicators. As a complement to physical and chemical measurements, biomonitoring can be a cheaper and fastest way of environmental monitoring. This research sought to evaluate the extent of TA use in biomonitoring and the responses given by them to environmental features. The research was conducted in Scielo, Science Direct, Online Library, Google Scholar and Capes Journal Portal and yielded 211 papers. TA bioindication is able to provide information on metal, trace element and atmospheric pollution, and to point out different trophic states, pH, and evidence on characteristics of hydrology. Further, TA can be used in paleoenvironmental reconstruction as they reflect climate, volcanic and even sea level change phenomena. Sometimes, together with other organisms in environmental analysis, they have shown to be an important complement to biomonitoring. Additionally, a functional traits approach has been recently included as a promising tool. Methodological adjustments that have been conducted throughout the years are allowing TA use to be more reliable and precise. This review provides insight on the many possible functions of TA in bioindication studies, highlighting their wide use as bioindicators.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego


General Agricultural and Biological Sciences

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