The Roman Senate and Armenia (190 BC–AD 68)


Buongiorno PierangeloORCID


Even with the Principate, the Senate kept a major role in Rome’s diplomatic relations with Armenia. This paper will examine the extant evidence of the senatorial decrees, paying a spe­cial attention to the decrees dating to the reigns of Augustus and Tiberius. These decrees can be reconstructed analysing some relevant epigraphic texts (the Res Gestae divi Augusti, the Senatus consultum de Cn. Pisone patre, the Senatus consultum de honoribus Germanico decernendis) and a source of absolute importance as the Annales of Tacitus.


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1. KRİZLER VE İSYANLAR: ROMA’NIN ARMENİA POLİTİKASI (MÖ 74-66);International Journal of Ancient History;2023-02-28







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