Steller’s Sea Cow – Benedykt Dybowski’s Little-known Contributions to European Zoological Museography


Daszkiewicz Piotr1ORCID,Kamiński Marcin Jan2ORCID,Iwan Dariusz2ORCID


1. Institute of the History of Science Ludwik and Aleksander Birkenmajer of the Polish Academy of Sciences

2. Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences


The article presents the contributions of Benedykt Dybowski to the natural history of Steller’s sea cow – a marine mammal species, that had become extinct in the 18th c. Dybowski’s impact is highlighted in his iconic discoveries concerning the biology of this species. Namely, he revealed and described the sexual dimorphism of the Steller’s sea cow and was the first to propose the climatic hypothesis concerning its extinction. Furthermore, Dybowski sent the largest number of skulls and bones representing this species to European museums in the 19th c. Today, these artifacts are deposited in seven museums in five countries (England, Ukraine, Poland, Austria, and Monaco). Unfortunately, specimens sent to Polish scientific institutions were looted or destroyed during both world wars. Sources examined in the present paper picture Dybowski as a prominent zoologist who worked within an international network of other outstanding specialists of that time – especially Władysław Taczanowski of the Warsaw Zoological Cabinet. The documents analyzed here shed new light on the work of naturalists and museum workers, revealing behind-the-scenes complexities of purchasing scarce and valuable zoological specimens.


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Reference20 articles.

1. 1. Archiwum Muzeum i Instytutu Zoologii PAN w Warszawie, AMiIZ PAN (Archives of the Museum and Institute of Zoology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw), Spuścizna po prof. Macieju Mroczkowskim, sygn. 83, Początki pracy naukowej (1948-1952).

2. 2. Dybowski B., Notice sur la différence sexuelle entre les crânes de la Rhytina stelleri, "Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London" 1883, p. 72-73.

3. 3. Dybowski B., Katalog wystawy etnograficznej Kamczatki i Wysp Komandorskich, Lwów 1885.

4. 4. Dybowski B., Wyspy Komandorskie, Lwów 1885.

5. 5. Nusbaum-Hilarowicz J., Zoologia dla klas wyższych szkół średnich, Lwów 1917.







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