Myśleć przez morze. Sztrandowanie i inne metafory, w poszukiwaniu poznawczych alternatyw


Owczarska MałgorzataORCID


Thinking Through the Sea. Stranding and Other Metaphors, in Search of Cognitive Alternatives In this article, I would like to consider the comparison of stranding to landcentric cognitive processes that translate into the creation of an impossible world – devoid of water and its potentials, rhythms and cycles immersed in it. I will illustrate this with examples of fresh water and sea hydro-policies (including nuclear trials in the Pacific) and will explore cognitive and activist alternatives proposed by the Polynesian sailors and navigators. I will also use two ambiguous metaphors of a ship and a Polynesian voyaging canoe as an opening for different narrations of the planets’ future in the climate crisis.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference80 articles.

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5. 5. Barthes R., Mitologie, przeł. A. Dziadek, Aletheia, Warszawa 2020.







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