Effects of phosphorus application on bunch and spreading genotypes of groundnut


Nazir Rahmatullah,Sayedi Sayed Ahmad,Zaryal Khalilullah,Khaleeq Khalilullah,Godara Samarth,Bamboriya Shanti D.,Bana R.S.


Farm of Afghanistan National Agricultural Sciences and Technology University (ANASTU), Kandahar, Afghanistan to find out most suitable groundnut variety and their phosphorus levels in the study region. The treatments combination was of two groundnut varieties (Kormaki and Paparri) and four levels of phosphorus as P2O5 (P0= 0 kg P2O5 ha-1, P1=40 kg P2O5 ha-1, P2= 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 and P3= 80 kg P2O5 ha-1), were tested in a split plot design. Result revealed that Paparri variety produced significantly higher growth attributes (plant height, dry matter accumulation and number of main branches plant-1) and yield attributes (number of pods plant-1, pods dry weight plant-1, 100 kernel weight and shelling percentage) over Kormaki variety. Likwise, paparri variety produced significantly higher pods yield, kernel yield, haulm yield and biological yield over kormaki variety. In the like manner, significantly higher gross return, net return and benefit cost ratio was recorded from Paparri variety, whereas residual nitrogen was found significantly higher in kormaki variety. Among phosphorus levels, 60 kg P2O5 ha-1 recorded higher values for growth parameters, yield attributes viz. number of pods plant-1, pods weight plant-1, 100 kernel weight and shelling percentage, and yields (including pods yield, kernel yield, haulm yield and biological yield).


Society for Agriculture and Arid Ecology Research

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