Polityka transatlantycka rządów Prawa i Sprawiedliwości (2015-2019): koncepcja (cz. 2)


Paruch Waldemar1ORCID


1. Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Poland


Law and Justice party was a “Euro-Atlantic” political party in the whole period of its political existence. Three major characteristic features of political thought in the foreign affairs of Law and Justice party were: 1) an Atlantic course; 2) a concept of realism in the European Union; and 3) postulated subjectivity in the Central Europe and towards the Eastern Europe. Law and Justice party created its own concept of the role of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation in the security policy of the Republic of Poland. Law and Justice waited until the occurrence of good conditions to bring the wrought concept into reality. It was more than sure that such conditions will occur in the future. There was no doubt that Russia was danger for the Western hemisphere. Such an evaluation was strengthened in the years 2008-2010 as the consequence of the Russian aggression on Georgia and Smolensk catastrophe. Law and Justice waited to: 1) win the parliamentary elections; 2) the end of the policy of reset in Russian-American relations. The theoretical and ideological premises and the type of political competition in Poland justified a negative evaluation by Law and Justice party of the foreign policy of Poland towards NATO in the period of the left–wing – agrarian government coalition and the government coalition of liberal – agrarian parties. Law and Justice party remained critical of the foreign policy of Poland led by Civic Platform in the scope of its theoretical, conceptual and decisive senses.


Instytut Europy Srodkowej

Reference106 articles.

1. Archiwum Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów, „Założenia polskiej polityki zagranicznej w 2008 r.”, t. 1289/I.

2. Archiwum KPRM, t. 1291/1, „Pismo minister Anny Fotygi do min. Radosława Sikorskiego”, 16 I 2007, SJK 450-4(1)/07.

3. Archiwum KPRM, t. 1292/1, „Założenia polskiej polityki zagranicznej w 2006 r.”, luty 2006, SKM 450-1/06.

4. Archiwum KPRM, t. 1535/3, „Notatka informacyjna nt. działań Federacji Rosyjskiej w kwestii pozyskiwania zaawansowanych technologicznie systemów uzbrojenia w kontekście doświadczeń z operacji gruzińskiej”, 23 XII 2009, PMH-085-117-09/1.

5. Archiwum KPRM, t. 1535/3, „Notatka informacyjna z rozmowy telefonicznej Prezydenta RP Pana Lecha Kaczyńskiego z Prezydentem Gruzji Panem Micheilem Saakaszwili”, 17.12.2009, SDT 450-29/09/4.








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