1. Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras: A concurrent comparison of home and sanatorium treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in South India;Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org.,1959
2. Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras: A concurrent comparison of isoniazid plus PAS with three regimens of isoniazid alone in the domiciliary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in South India;Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org.,1960
3. Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras: Isoniazid plus Thiacetazone compared with two regimens of isoniazid plus PAS in the domiciliary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in South India;Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org.,1966
4. Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras: A concurrent comparison of intermittent (twice-weekly) isoniazid plus streptomycin and daily isoniazid plus PAS in the domiciliary treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis;Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org.,1963
5. Tuberculosis Chemotherapy Centre, Madras: A five-year study of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis in a concurrent comparison of home and sanatorium treatment for one year with isoniazid plus PAS;Bull. Wld. Hlth. Org.,1966