Depot medených predmetov z Mníchovej Lehoty (okr. Trenčín). Príspevok k poznaniu antimónovej medi typu Nógrádmarcal v období staršieho eneolitu / Depotfund von Kupfergegenständen aus Mníchova Lehota (Bez. Trenčín). Beitrag zur Erkennung des Antimonkupfers vom Typ Nógrádmarcal in dem älteren Aeneolithikum
Novotná Mária,Zachar Tomáš,Dzúrik Ján,Kvietok Martin
Hoard of Copper Artefacts from Mníchova Lehota (Distr. Trenčín). Contribution to the Issue and Distribution of the Antimony Copper of Nógrádmarcal Type in the Early Copper Age. Submitted paper deals with the archaeological evaluation and elemental analysis of a collection of copper industry from the cadastre of municipality Mníchova Lehota (distr. Trenčín) in the north-west Slovakia. The hoard consists of two flat copper axes and a copper chisel. The basic typological-chronological analysis of the flat copper axes showed their connection with the Southeast European types and varieties of the series Pločnik, Coteana, Gumelniţa, as well as Central European types Stollhof, Strážnice, Kalinowice Dolne and axes of the group III of J. Říhovský. Statistical evaluation of basic morphometric parameters of the artefacts by means of principal component analysis (PCA) suggests that the objects from the hoard from Mníchova Lehota belong to the Central European shapes. Separate issue is the elemental analysis of the copper artefacts by means of inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). On the basis of the statistical evaluation of the elemental analyses the authors set the origin of the copper material mainly in the antimonic copper. They pay attention to its distribution in the area of Central Europe and possible location of the copper material deposit.
Institute of Archaeology of the CAS - Prague, v.v.i.
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