Quantitative patterns in the poetic structure of The Temple Hymns by Enkheduanna


Bonch-Osmolovskaya Tatiana1ORCID


1. WEA Sydney


The Temple Hymns by Enheduanna, high priestess of Sumer Moon god Nanna in Ur and daughter of king Sargon of Akkad (2334-2279 BCE), consist of 42 hymns that praise the significant temples of the Mesopotamian cities and their deities. By their  writing the goal of uniting the Sumer-Akkad pantheon was set as a part of the wider  political task of uniting the Sumerian and Akkadian peoples set by Sargon of Akkad.  Numerical patterns in the structure of the hymns are studied in the present paper, with  special attention to the number of the lines in each hymns as stated in the colophons.  It is demonstrated that the sum of the lines of all hymns is an exact multiple of 100  whereas the sums of the number of lines in both first and second halves of the hymns  and several of their subsets make exact multiples of 50 and 10 respectively. A hypothesis is proposed for the deliberate choice of these exact numbers by the author of  the hymns and their considerable achievement in the poetic structure of the hymns, as  well as achieving the set goal, among other means, by the means of quantitative poetic  structure of the hymns.


Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences


General Medicine

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