1. Andreyev A. V. The Quest for Historical Jesus from Reimarus till Nowadays. Moscow: Novoye Literturnoye Obozreniye; 2021 (in print).
2. Jesus Reseacrh: New Methodologies and Perceptions. Ed. by J.H. Charlesworth. Moscow: Eksmo; 2021. 1054 p. (In Russ.)
3. Men’, protopriest A. The Son of Man. Brussels: Zhizn’ s Bogom; 1983. 495 p.
4. Khazarzar R. The Son of Man. Volgograd: PrintTerra-Dizain; 2004. 624 p.
5. Alfeyev, metropolitan I. Jesus Chist. Life and Teaching. Moscow: Sretensky Monastyr; 2017. 1-6 vols.