Brahmadeva. Paramātmaprakāśa-vṛtti. First adhikāra, dohaka 1–10


Zheleznova Natalia A.1ORCID


1. Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


This publication offers the first translation from Sanskrit into a European language of the commentary of the Digambara exegete Brahmadeva (14th cent.) on the first ten verses-dohakas of the poetic treatise “The Radiance of the Supreme Ātman” (Apabhraṃśa Paramappapāyasu) by Yogindu (ca 6th cent.). This text is one of the very few Jain writings on mysticism. The article comprises an introduction to the problems of the treatise and also provides a general idea of the understanding of the spiritual substance-the ātman and its three forms: the external one, the inner one and the supreme.


Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences


General Medicine

Reference11 articles.

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