The King of Vajrayäna “Guhyasamäja Tantra" and the Buddhist Tantrism. Ways and Traditions of the Tantra Exegesis


Androsov Valery P.1


1. Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Science


The modern Indian studies hold the tantric systems for the most complicated one among other research topics. Their intrinsic structures are very complicated. They consist of texts with many layers, as well as commentaries and sadhana. They also record various yoga practices, which become complicated with each next generation, various mythological texts, indications on mandala construction, rules of recitation, etc. This complexity in order to be adequately understood they require attention of many specialists, not only specialists in text studies but also specialists in Buddhist studies, psychologists, etc. The present article is a continuation of the article published in the first volume of Orientalistica. It offers new approaches to the study of the so called “Diamond Vehicle” the system of the "Guhyasamäja Tantra” (“Esoteric Community Tantra”). It had been compiled in India for over seven centuries. In course of its compilation it had several versions of transmission, commenting and practical use.


Institute of Oriental Studies Russian Academy of Sciences


General Medicine

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