Aim of study: The first purpose of the present study was to investigate the level of recall of the adverting campaign promoting the new lamb meat cuts. The second objective was to investigate which promotion tools are more important to consumers and retailers.Area of study: This study took place in the city of Zaragoza, where lamb meat promotional activities have been conducted at three different levels: generic promotion of the sector, Regulatory Council of Ternasco de Aragón promotion campaign and producer brand promotion.Material and methods: Data was collected through personal questionnaires (401 consumers and 55 retailers).Main results: Results suggest that the promotion campaign has not contributed as much as expected to spread the knowledge of the new lamb cuts among consumers. Both consumers and retailers attached more importance to in-store marketing promotional tools. Three consumers segments were identified based on promotion tools preferences. Comparing between consumers and butchers’ opinion the only significant difference was found in using internet and social network as a promotional tool.Research highlights: A general trend has been observed since the majority of consumers and retailers consider that the most important promotions tools are those conducted inside the point of sale. On the view of these results, it could be better for future campaigns to increase promotional effort inside the point of sale, where consumers make their final purchase choice.
Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
Agronomy and Crop Science
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