Effect of replacing conventional Italian ryegrass by organic nitrogen source systems on chemical soil properties


Baizán Silvia,Vicente Fernando,Oliveira José A.,Afif-Khouri Elías,Martínez-Fernández Adela


Aim of study: To evaluate agronomic performance and changes on soil chemical properties in two types of managements: conventional or sustainable.Area of study: Principality of Asturias, Spain.Material and methods: On a sandy-clay-loam texture soil, three winter forage legumes (faba bean, red clover and white lupin), in monoculture or mixed with Italian ryegrass and with organic fertilization (sustainable management) versus Italian ryegrass in monoculture and inorganic fertilization (conventional management) were evaluated during three consecutive years. After the harvest in spring, the rotations were completed with maize crop with the purpose to evaluate the effect of the sustainable management on forage yield and soil chemical parameters.Main results: The results showed that faba bean and red clover in monoculture and mixed with Italian ryegrass had better edaphic quality than Italian ryegrass in monoculture, and white lupin in monoculture or mixed with Italian ryegrass. Faba bean in monoculture and mixed with Italian ryegrass, both with organic fertilization, could be competitive crops since both had yields comparable to Italian ryegrass in monoculture with inorganic fertilization.Research highlights: Current agricultural practice could be changed for a more sustainable management system, including organic fertilization and legume crops.


Instituto Nacional de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)


Agronomy and Crop Science

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