Technological aspects of rice gluten-free bread production


Shanina Olha,Borovikova Natalia,Gavrish Tatyana,Dugina Kateryna


The article presents data on the study of the influence of hydrocolloids and protein additives on the technological aspects of gluten-free rice bread production. The method of full-factor experiment PFE 2 3 determined the optimal conditions for bread production – the amount of yeast 1.5% by flour weight, dough moisture 60%, duration of fermentation, and proofing 70 minutes. The prescribed amount of yeast, salt, agar, and gelatin was dissolved in water at 35 ºC and mixed with the specified amount of rice flour. The dough was kneaded for 15 minutes. The dough was placed in the mould and left to ferment for 40 minutes and stand for 30 minutes at the temperature of 30 ºC. After fermentation, the dough was divided into pieces weighing 50 grams, placed in baking tins, and baked for 35 – 40 minutes at the temperature of 180 ºC. Since adding polysaccharides and protein improvers to the recipe of gluten-free dough to regulate its technological properties can significantly affect the intensity of fermentation and the activity of amylolytic enzymes of flour, studied the dynamics of carbon dioxide release gluten-free rice dough. It was found that additives of protein nature increase the amount of carbon dioxide accumulation in gluten-free dough by 33 – 44%. It is experimentally substantiated that the recommended duration of fermentation of rice flour dough with the addition of gelatin is 45 – 50 min, with the addition of agar 25 – 30 min, and the mixture of gelatin and agar 35 – 45 min. It is established that to achieve full readiness of bread based on rice flour, it is possible after 35 minutes of baking at 200 ºC. When extending the duration of heat treatment, the quality of bread does not change, so long-term heat treatment is not economically feasible.


HACCP Consulting


Food Science

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