Munajat ,Fifian Permata Sari
This study aims to analyze the amount of income through business diversification as well as scenarios for increasing income in business diversification during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is the survey method, the sampling method used is a snowball and the number of respondents is determined by purposive sampling with 100 respondents. The study results show that the amount of optimization of the income of lowland rice farmers during the Covid-19 pandemic at a business diversification of 1 Rp. 29,130,500.00, business diversification 2 Rp. 19,007,006.29, business diversification 3 Rp. 8,301,257.48, business diversification 4 Rp. 14,877,500.00. The amount of farmer's income after the scenarios for business diversification 1 is carried out with additional capital of Rp. 1,870,000 so that the optimal allocation result will be an increase in income of Rp. 2,871,644.88 or 9.86%. Business diversification 2 is carried out with additional capital of Rp. 750,000 and a reduction of the workforce by 5 JOK so that the optimal allocation result will be an increase in income of Rp. 1,472,001.57 or 7.74%. Business diversification 3, it is carried out with additional capital of Rp. 370,000 and the addition of 4 JOK workers so that the optimal allocation result will be an increase in income of Rp. 978,173.65 or 11.78%. Business diversification 4 is carried out by increasing the land area by 0.25 so that it becomes 1 hectare and increasing capital by Rp. 500,000 so that the optimal allocation of income increases by Rp. 733,061.37 or 4.93.
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