A specific course of tuberculous spondylitis with concurrent HIV infection


Rakhmatillaev Sh. N.1,Gavrilov P. V.1,Tursunova N. V.1,Chernov S. S.1,Stavitskaya N. V.1


1. Novosibirsk Tuberculosis Research Institute, Russian Ministry of Health


The article describes a clinical case of surgical treatment of tuberculous spondylitis and tuberculous pleurisy in a HIV positive patient with disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis. A severe pain syndrome in tuberculous spondylitis was the fi rst clinical manifestation of generalized multiple drug resistant tuberculosis.Surgical treatment of spinal deformity relieved the pain syndrome, microbiological results of surgical biopsy of the vertebrae and pleura allowed prescribing the eff ective treatment for generalized tuberculosis


LLC "Medical Knowledge and Technologies"


General Medicine

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