1. M.R. Schroeder, and B. Atal ,"Code-Excited Linear Prediction (CELP): High Quality Speech at Very Low Bit Rates ,"Proc. ICASSP-85, p.937 ,Apr.1985 . 7, 9, 63
2. S. Singhal, and B. Atal , "Improving the Performance of Multi-Pulse Coders at Low Bit Rates ,"Proc. ICASSP-84, p.1.3.1 , 1984. 7, 63
3. B.S. Atal, and J. Remde , "A New Model for LPC Excitation for Producing Natural Sounding Speech at Low Bit Rates ,"Proc. IEEE ICASSP-82, pp.614 -617 ,Apr.1982 . 7
4. Design and description of CS-ACELP: a toll quality 8 kb/s speech coder
5. The adaptive multirate wideband speech codec (AMR-WB)