1. Maisky I.M. Mongolia on the Eve of the Revolution. Moscow, Izd-vo Vostochnoy Literatury, 1959. 310 p. (In Russ.)
2. Worden R.L., Savada A.M., eds. Mongolia: A Country Study. Washington, Library of Congress, 1991. 320 p.
3. Zagasbaldan D. Problems of Socialist Industrialization of the Mongolian People’s Republic. Moscow, Statistika, 1973. 218 p. (In Russ.)
4. Dolgikh F.I., ed. Soviet-Mongolian Relations. 1921–1974: Documents and Materials. Vol. 1: 1921–1940. Moscow, Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 1975. 589 p. (In Russ.)
5. Iskrov M.V., Kasyanenko V.I., Kartunova A.I. et al. The Historical Experience of the Fraternal Community of the CPSU and the MPRP in the Struggle for Socialism. Moscow, Politizdat, 1971. 319 p. (In Russ.)