Arya Yudanto Yusuf,Pudjihastuti Isti
Biodegradable Foam (Biofoam) production is an
effort to reduce plastic waste in Indonesia. This product is
made to replace Styrofoam, whose raw material is
carcinogenic in the form of styrene which cannot be
dissolved by the digestive system and is difficult to excrete
through urine or feces which can trigger the growth of
cancer in the long term and is harmful to the environment.
Biofoam in this study is made from cornstarch with the
addition of cellulose taken from paper waste. Based on the
research that has been done, cornstarch-based biofoam
with the addition of cellulose from paper waste as a biofiller
can affect the physical and mechanical characteristics of the
biofoam produced. The biofoam with a starch:cellulose
ratio of 13:10 grams resulted in the best value of water
adsorption in the amount 47.26%, also give the best result
on tensile strength value and biodegradability value in the
amount of 4.548 MPa and 11.943%. The addition of
cellulose to the biofoam mixture in an appropriate amount
will reduce the water absorption value of the biofoam.
Because cellulose can cover the cavities generated by the
starch expansion process in the biofoam. Therefore, the
addition of cellulose also affects the mechanical properties
of biofoam, namely tensile strength. Where the low filler
composition in the biofoam will increase the tensile
strength, but when the filler composition has passed an
optimum point, the filler particles will experience
agglomeration thereby reducing the tensile strength of the
biofoam product. The variation in operating conditions in
the manufacture of starch-based biofoam with the addition
of a biofiller in the form of cellulose from paper waste did
not significantly affect it. The variation in operating
conditions only affects the visual appearance of the biofoam
produced. Biofoam samples with the best visual appearance
were produced at an operating temperature of 160 ? with
an operating time of 30 minutes. Where high temperatures
can affect th
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6 articles.