Vascular age detected by volumetric sphygmography in patients with arterial hypertension


Goma Tatyana V.ORCID,


Aim. Assessment of vascular age by volumetric sphygmography and its relationship with the main clinical and laboratory parameters in patients with arterial hypertension. Materials and methods. 46 patients with arterial hypertension were examined, including 26 women (56.5%) and 20 men (43.5%). The mean age was 67.0 [60.0; 73.5] years. Clinical and laboratory parameters were analyzed, including body mass index, lipidogram, fibrinogen, blood creatinine levels, and glomerular filtration rate. Vascular age was assessed using the BPLab-Vasotens apparatus (LLC Petr Telegin, Russia). Results. Vascular age in patients with arterial hypertension was 69.0 [64.0;76.0] years and did not differ statistically from the passport age (p>0.05). Positive relationships were found between vascular age and the level of pulse pressure (r=0.65, p<0.001), index of reflection (augmentation) of pulse wave growth (r=0.29, p=0.04). No relationship was found between the stage of arterial hypertension, the presence of comorbid pathology, body mass index, lipid profile, creatinine, glomerular filtration rate, fibrinogen, and vascular age. In men, vascular age was less than in women – 65.5 [59.0; 70.5] years and 72.5 [67.0; 78.0] years, respectively (p = 0.02). In the group of women, the augmentation index of pulse wave growth and the level of fibrinogen were higher than in the group of men. Conclusions. There were no statistically significant differences in passport and vascular age, determined by volumetric sphygmography, in patients with hypertension at various stages of the disease, depending on the presence of comorbid pathology, lipid status, and renal dysfunction. When analyzing hemodynamic parameters, direct links were established between vascular age and pulse arterial pressure, the index of reflection (augmentation) of the pulse wave increase. In the group of women with a higher indicator of vascular age, an increase in the augmentation index of the increase in pulse wave and fibrinogen was revealed.


Irkutsk State Medical University

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