“Chicago Manual of Style” (Bibliographic References and Bibliographic Indices Presentation in the English-Speaking World)


Mints Michael M.1ORCID


1. Institute of Scientific Information for Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The article deals with the styling of bibliographical data in the English-Speaking world, mainly with the rules of the ISBD and of the Chicago Manual of Style. Special attention is paid to the styling of bibliographic references in scholarly papers and of bibliographic indices. The author comes to the conclusion that the conceptual framework of Anglo-American bibliographic standards and styles is quite different from their Russian equivalents, including a wide variety of citation styles instead of a single standard, styling bibliographic references according to the common rules of English punctuation and typography, providing full names instead of surname and initials etc. The English bibliographic terminology is also quite different from the Russian one; for example, the meaning of the term “bibliographic reference” in English is wider than in Russian. As a consequence, bibliographic lists and bibliographic indices in English are usually styled according to the same rules as those used in bibliographic references, in sharp contrast to the Russian practice.


FSBI Russian State Library

Reference24 articles.

1. GOST R 7.0.100—2018. Bibliograficheskaya zapis'. Bibliograficheskoe opisanie: obshchie trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya : izdanie ofitsial'noe / Federal'noe agentstvo po tekhnicheskomu regulirovaniyu i metrologii. Moskva : Standartinform, 2018. URL: https://www.rsl.ru/photo/!_ORS/5-PROFESSIONALAM/7_sibid/GOST_R_7_0_100_2018_1204.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 22.08.2023).

2. ISBD: International standard bibliographic description: 2021 update to the 2011 consolidated edition / E. Escolano Rodríguez, A. Caro Martín, J. Fejes et al.; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. [S. l.], 2021. URL: https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/1939 (data obrashcheniya: 22.08.2023).

3. ISBD: Mezhdunarodnoe standartnoe bibliograficheskoe opisanie : konsolidirovannoe izdanie / Rossiiskaya bibliotechnaya assotsiatsiya, Rossiiskaya gosudarstvennaya biblioteka ; per. s angl. N.V. Shpanovoi ; nauch. red. per. T.A. Bakhturina, N.N. Kasparova (ruk. proekta). Moskva, 2014. URL: https://www.ifla.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/assets/cataloguing/isbd/isbd-translations2011-ru.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 22.08.2023).

4. Guidelines for the application of the ISBDs to the description of component parts / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. [Rev. ed.]. Washington, D.C. : Library of Congress, 2003. URL: https://repository.ifla.org/bitstream/123456789/807/1/guidelinesfor-the-application-of-the-ISBDs-to-thedescription-of-component-parts.pdf (data obrashcheniya: 22.08.2023).

5. GOST R 7.0.5—2008. Bibliograficheskaya ssylka: obshchie trebovaniya i pravila sostavleniya : izdanie ofitsial'noe / Federal'noe agentstvo po tekhnicheskomu regulirovaniyu i metrologii. Moskva : Standartinform, 2020. URL: http://protect.gost.ru/v.aspx?control=8&id=165614 (data obrashcheniya: 22.08.2023).








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