CIS Cross-Border Libraries: Updating the Concept Paper to Strengthen Co-Operation


Menshchikova Svetlana P.1ORCID


1. Russian State Library


The experience of the Russian State Library in cooperation with the libraries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) member states in developing a document regulating cross-border co-operation is presented. It shows the stages of updating the “Concept of Information and Library Space Formation on the Basis of Cross-border Libraries of the CIS Member States” (2009) within the framework of the long-term interstate project of the Eurasia Library Assembly on creation of the normative and conceptual basis of interlibrary cooperation in the CIS. The “Concept...” is harmonised with the universally recognised principles and norms of international law. It reflects the process of inclusion of libraries of border regions of CIS member states in co-operation with libraries of neighbouring countries. Specialists of CIS libraries took an active part in the development of the document. The Concept of Development of Library and Information Space on the Basis of Cross-Border Libraries of CIS Member States (2023) clarifies the purpose and some basic concepts related to the activities of libraries in cross-border cooperation. The definition of “library and information space on the basis of cross-border libraries of the CIS member states” was developed, which is considered as a system of interacting subjects — libraries, library networks, library associations, library staff. The aim of library and information space development is to provide conditions for strengthening interregional and cross-border co-operation. Libraries create and promote various information resources, organise library and information services for the multinational population of border areas to enhance intercultural and professional communication. In the document 2023 the possibilities of subjects of interlibrary cooperation are expanded at the expense of interregional cooperation. The following are defined as subjects of the library and information space: publicly accessible border libraries of the CIS member states, central universal libraries of the border regions, national libraries of the CIS member states. The updated “Concept...” shows the tasks and principles of development, mechanisms and expected results of its implementation. The role of the CIS coordinating bodies in the formation of legislative and regulatory framework for the libraries of the CIS member states is important. Prospects for improving this base lie in the regulation of interregional and cross-border co-operation. To strengthen cooperation it is necessary to reveal the intercultural potential of the CIS member states, to provide scientific and methodological support to cross-border libraries, etc.


FSBI Russian State Library

Reference25 articles.

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