The Term “Library Service” in the Conceptual Framework of Library Science


Stolyarov Yuri N.1ORCID


1. Russian State Library


The article considers the contradiction in concepts connected with key content of the library activity. Some fundamental documents use the term “library service”, others use “information and library service”, “library and information service” terms. The different content is also given to these concepts. The inconsistency is increased by the fact that since Soviet times the library services have often been understood as library activity in general. There is given the brief review of primarily positions on the conceptual framework of library service: library activity, work with readers, guidance of reading, library service, library and information service, information and library service. In violation of the Federal Law № 78-FZ “On Librarianship”, the term “library and information service” is enshrined in the names of textbooks, GOST R 7.0.103—2018 “Library and information service. Terms and definitions” and GOST R 7.0.104—2019 “Library and information services of scientific library. Types, forms and modes of delivery”. While library science is striving hard to integrate itself into information science, information science itself is far from recognising library and bibliographic science as an integral part of it. “Library service” is considered both as specific and general library science concept. The definition of “work” in relation to library science is given: it is the function of library staff to create values, provide benefits or meet the informational, cultural, educational needs of readers. The author proposes to intensify the concept of “library readers study”, to develop thoroughly its theory and methodology. The paper provides additional arguments in favour of the concept of “library readers study” in addition to the well-known ones. It is argued that in addition to revealing the links between the readers’ contingent and the library staff, it is necessary to reveal the links of the “readers’ contingent” subsystem with other subsystems of the first and second circuits of the library as a system.


FSBI Russian State Library

Reference41 articles.

1. Federal Law of 23.11.1994 No 78-FZ “On Librarianship”, Sobranie zakonodatel’stva Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation], 1995, issue 1, art. 2 (in Russ.).

2. Askarova V.Ya. The Reader as an Object of Interdisciplinary Research, Ot Goda literatury — k veku chteniya: kollektivnaya monografiya [From the Year of Literature to the Century of Reading: collective monograph]. Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinskii Gosudarstvennyi Institut Kul’tury Publ., 2016, pp. 11—66 (in Russ.).

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4. Denisyev V.N., Kheifets Z.B. (eds.) Metody raboty s chitatelem: programma dlya bibliotechnykh tekhnikumov: metodicheskie ukazaniya dlya zaochnykh bibliotechnykh tekhnikumov [Methods of Working with Readers: A Program for Library Training Schools: methodological guidelines for correspondence library training schools], 1939, 40 p.

5. Seglin E.V. (ed.) Metody obsluzhivaniya chitatelei v massovoi biblioteke: uchebnoe posobie dlya bibliotechnykh tekhnikumov [Methods of Serving Readers in a Mass Library: textbook for library training schools]. Moscow, 1938, 128 p.

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