“State Cultural Policy: the Role of Libraries”. The Annual Meeting of the Heads of Federal and Central Regional Libraries of Russia - 2015


Trushina Irina A.1


1. National Library of Russia


The article presents an overview of the Annual Meeting of the Heads of Federal and Central Regional Libraries of Russia - 2015, conducted by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the National Library of Russia and the Russian State Library on 20-21 October, 2015 in St. Petersburg. The theme of the Meeting “State Cultural Policy: the Role of Libraries” was closely connected with the activities of libraries in relation to the approval of “Basic Principals of State Cultural Policy”. There are considered the topical problems of the legislative framework of libraries, as well as their projects facilitating to implement the state cultural policy. There are summarized the results of the All-Russian Competition of Library Innovations and the II All-Russian Competition “The Library Analytics - 2015”. There are announced the names of the awarded with the Medal of the Russian Library Association (RBA) “For Contribution to the Development of Libraries” and awarded with the title of the RBA Honorary Member. There is published the Resolution of the Annual Meeting of the Heads of Federal and Central Regional Libraries of Russia.


FSBI Russian State Library

Reference4 articles.

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1. Strategic Guidelines of the State Library Policy;Bibliotekovedenie [Russian Journal of Library Science];2021-06-10








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