Interdisciplinary Knowledge in Library and Bibliographic Classification and Universal Decimal Classification


Khodanovich Marina A.1ORCID,Yakovleva Galina V.1ORCID


1. Russian State Library


Library classification was originally created for the purpose of thematic arrangement of books on the shelves in libraries on the basis of classification systems. The creation of the latter, in turn, is closely related to the classification of sciences, as works devoted to certain fields of knowledge or spheres of human activity are classified.Throughout their history, classification schemes have been transformed and structurally changed, based on the basic principles and levels of scientific knowledge. Originating in the ancient period, science has been developing for centuries according to the disciplinary principle. However, in the process of evolution of scientific knowledge there is interdisciplinary integration, which involves both natural, technical and social sciences. Complex fields of study are formed as a result of interscientific interaction, when the most distant sciences can discover a direct connection. This is a joint cognitive activity of specialists from different scientific disciplines, involving not only research, but also other types of activity (organizational, communicative, journalistic, etc.). Thus, the sphere of interdisciplinarity is formed.The article considers the representation of the problems of interdisciplinary research in the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) and in the Library and Bibliographic Classification (LBC), recognized as the national classification system of Russia.


FSBI Russian State Library

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