1. Regulations on the Information Office, Pervye gosudarstvennye soveshchaniya po bibliotechnomu delu (iyul’ 1918 g. — yanv.-fevr. 1919 g.): dok. i materialy [First State Meetings on Librarianship (July 1918 — January-February 1919): documents and materials]. Moscow, 1996, pp. 44—45 (in Russ.).
2. Borzov A.A. A.A. Borzov’s Report on the Information Office at the Library of the Rumyantsev Museum, Pervye gosudarstvennye soveshchaniya po bibliotechnomu delu (iyul’ 1918 g. — yanv.-fevr. 1919 g.): dok. i materialy [First State Meetings on Librarianship (July 1918 — January-February 1919): documents and materials]. Moscow, 1996, pp. 168—169 (in Russ.).
3. Polosin I. Information Office at the Lenin Public Library of the USSR, Bibliotechnoe obozrenie [Library Review]. Leningrad, 1927, book 1/2, pp. 129—149 (in Russ.).
4. Klemenova O. Information and Bibliographic Office of the All-Union Lenin Library, Krasnyi bibliotekar’ [Red Librarian], 1938, no. 9, pp. 53—61 (in Russ.).
5. Gosudarstvennaya ordena Lenina biblioteka SSSR im. V.I. Lenina v 1947 godu [V.I. Lenin State Library of the USSR in 1947]. Moscow, 1949, 96 p.