Popularisation of Scientific Knowledge: Event Formats in Libraries of the Novosibirsk Region


Pleshakova Maria A.1ORCID,Kalyuzhnaya Tatyana A.1ORCID


1. State Public Scientific and Technological Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


The resourcefulness of the library event is examined within the framework of libraries’ capacity to participate in science-society communication. The library event is most often studied by researchers in the context of leisure activities. The concept of “leisure” is multifaceted, it includes such elements as play, recreation, entertainment, self-education, self-development, daily life etc. Leisure activities can be associated, both for the organizers and the visitors, with different motives and goals. The professional press often highlights the stimulation of reading activity, but also the desire to disseminate knowledge in a non-trivial way, the self-presentation of the library, the demonstration of its openness to the public, etc. In this context, traditional and new formats of work for libraries, new trends (e. g. comprehensiveness, eventfulness of events, etc.) are discussed. It is obvious that library event is an actively developing phenomenon, which requires theoretical reflection. The purpose of this article is to analyze the communicative resource of library events on the example of popular science events in the libraries of the Novosibirsk Region. The library event is considered as a level of direct communication, and its purpose is to provide patrons with leisure and intellectual communication. The research is based on the information materials presented on the official websites of public libraries. As a result of the study the following conclusions are obtained: the nature of popular science events is mostly event-based, but only large libraries are involved in wide-scale complex activities. Both science communicators and librarians are involved in the preparation of the events, using different formats. All popular science events held in libraries are in line with the deficit model of communication between science and society.


FSBI Russian State Library


General Medicine

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