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2. Karklin P.I. Bibliography of the Great Patriotic War, Vosem’desyat let na sluzhbe nauki i kul’tury nashei rodiny [Eighty Years in the Service of Science and Culture of our Country]. Moscow, 1943, pp. 169—183 (in Russ.).
3. Kaufman I. On the Long-Term Plan of Bibliographic Works of the V.I. Lenin Library, Bibliotechnyi zhurnal [Library Journal], 1944, no. 4, pp. 1—11 (in Russ.).
4. Kaufman I.M. Some Questions of the Bibliography of the Great Patriotic War, Bibliotechnyi zhurnal [Library Journal], 1944, no. 2, pp. 7—16 (in Russ.).
5. Zimina V.G. et al. The V.I. Lenin Library in the Period of the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union (1941—1945), Istoriya Gosudarstvennoi ordena Lenina biblioteki SSSR imeni V.I. Lenina za 100 let, 1862—1962 [History of the Order of Lenin V.I. Lenin USSR State Library for 100 Years, 1862—1962]. Moscow, Biblioteki Publ., 1962, pp. 126—152 (in Russ.).