1. Kazan State Institute of Culture;Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
Digital transformation of education leads not only to the increase in the number of professional terms, but also to the change in their content and intensity of application. The article raises the problem of using the most common terms in the Russian-language scientific literature in the field of e-learning. The purpose of this article is to identify the concepts of “digital learning”, “e-learning”, “online learning”, “distance learning”, “blended learning”, to raise the question of their interpretation and application, as well as to build the model of organisation of educational activities. This model should fully reflect the areas of application of these concepts, including for continuous library and information education.To identify the dynamics of the use of terms, the author collected the data on publication activity in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) system for 2016—2020 using the studied terms as key words. In the analysis, there is revealed the decline in interest of part of theoretical researchers in individual terms and the increase in the interest of practical researchers in all the studied terms. The author carried out terminological analysis. As a result, the article identifies and justifies intersections and differences in content; definitions of terms are in full compliance with the current federal legislation. The author presents correlation and specifics of the concepts reflecting different types of processes of modern vocational training.
FSBI Russian State Library
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