Russian Business Culture in the Conditions of Macroeconomic Uncertainty


Stozhko Dmitry K.1ORCID


1. Ural State University of Economics


The new social reality developing over the past decades has caused serious internal transformations in the nature and content of economic culture in general, and business culture in particular. In this regard, the relevance of studying various forms, directions and levels of this transformation, as well as searching for solutions that allow purposefully influencing the process of evolution of business culture in the context of the need to improve its social and economic efficiency has increased. The study aims to assess the processes of business culture transformation in the conditions of growing macroeconomic instability, uncertainty and risks. The article examines the evolution of scientific ideas about business culture as a culture of entrepreneurship and active economic activity in the genesis of economic science. There is substantiated the idea of business culture as a culture of creativity and its generalizing nature in relation to other forms of economic culture. The article reveals the general and specific characteristics (features) of business culture. Its transformation is taking place in fundamentally new conditions of social instability and uncertainty both at the communication level (communication environment), in the field of axiology (value thinking and consciousness), and in the field of creative technologies (info-, nano-, bio-, cognitive, etc.). The author outlines the main directions and forms of the business culture transformation in the context of digital economy formation. The article reveals the features of the development of business culture in modern conditions. The growing variety of its models and typologies testifies to their different philosophical and ideological foundations, which objectively hinders the development of universal and generally accepted norms of economic behavior. There are indicated negative and positive characteristics in the transformation of business culture. Achieving the necessary balance between them meets the objectives of the country’s sustainable socio-economic development strategy both in the near future and for a longer period. The article formulates specific recommendations for modernizing the economic education system in the context of the need to develop and improve business culture.


FSBI Russian State Library


Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Geography, Planning and Development

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