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4. Krymova N. Genius among People. Lessons of Michael Chekhov, N. Krymova. Imena. Izbrannoe v 3 knigakh. Kniga 3: 1987—1999 [N. Krymova. Names. Selected Works in 3 Books. Book 3: 1987—1999]. Moscow, Trilistnik Publ., 2005, pp. 133—137 (in Russ.).
5. Zolotukhin V. Michael Chekhov. Sound Heritage and Contemporaries’ Memories, Teatr [Theatre], 2014, no. 16. Available at: http://oteatre.info/mihail-chehov-zvukovoe-nasledie-i-vospominaniya-sovremennikov/ (accessed 06.10.2022) (in Russ.).