Effectiveness of 2, 3, and 4 COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Doses Among Immunocompetent Adults During Periods when SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BA.1 and BA.2/BA.2.12.1 Sublineages Predominated — VISION Network, 10 States, December 2021–June 2022


Link-Gelles Ruth,Levy Matthew E.,Gaglani Manjusha,Irving Stephanie A.,Stockwell Melissa,Dascomb Kristin,DeSilva Malini B.,Reese Sarah E.,Liao I-Chia,Ong Toan C.,Grannis Shaun J.,McEvoy Charlene,Patel Palak,Klein Nicola P.,Hartmann Emily,Stenehjem Edward,Natarajan Karthik,Naleway Allison L.,Murthy Kempapura,Rao Suchitra,Dixon Brian E.,Kharbanda Anupam B.,Akinseye Akintunde,Dickerson Monica,Lewis Ned,Grisel Nancy,Han Jungmi,Barron Michelle A.,Fadel William F.,Dunne Margaret M.,Goddard Kristin,Arndorfer Julie,Konatham Deepika,Valvi Nimish R.,Currey J. C.,Fireman Bruce,Raiyani Chandni,Zerbo Ousseny,Sloan-Aagard Chantel,Ball Sarah W.,Thompson Mark G.,Tenforde Mark W.


Centers for Disease Control MMWR Office


Health Information Management,Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis,General Medicine,Health (social science),Epidemiology

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