Smirnova E.V., ,Derkho M.A.,Fomina N.V., , ,
The influence of breeds on the variability of some economic and useful features in repair pigs and the correlation of their parameters with indicators of lipid metabolism was studied. The work was performed on the basis of ООО «Agrofirma Ariant». The experimental groups were formed based on the results of bonitation: group I - lead rocks Duroc (n=41), II – Yorkshire (n=100) and III – Landrace (n=30). It was found that the live weight of piglets-Dukes at birth is greater than that of Yorkshires and landraces by 12.6 and 14.5 % (р≤0.05), but when weaning, recruitment, Yorkshire and landraces exceed the Dukes both in live weight, and in the value of absolute and average incre-ments by 9.05; 14.51; 11.86 % (р≤0.05) and 9.84; 15.92; 10.99 % (p≤0.05). At the time of boniti-rovki durkees exceed Yorkshires and landraces in live weight by 7.50 and 12.27 % (R≤0.05), which determines the age of a pig with a live weight of 100 kg (in durkees 161.07±0.26 days., yorkshires 175.71±0.21, landraces 184.92±0.36.). Landraces in body length exceed yorkshires and dukes by 6.29 and 8.11 % (р≤0.05). At the same time, landraces and Yorkshires, in comparison with the Dukes, the thickness of the lard at points P1, P2 and P3 is greater by 14.72; 25.32; 20.18 % (р≤0.05) and 12.29; 20.36; 9.63 % (p≤0.05). One of the last deep muscles at R2 exceeds the levels of York and Landrace by 20.66 and 21.99 % (р≤0.05). Regardless of the breed of repair pigs, a statistically significant correlation was found in the following pairs: the thickness of lard at the point P1 and P2 - leptin (rdurk=0.41-0.51; ryorkshire=0.41-0.44; rlanders=0,49±0,16) and TAG (rdurk=0,42-0,43; ryorkshire =0,30-0,37; rlandras=0,51-0,52); live weight at the appraisal – OL (rdurk=0,47; ryorkshire =0,49; rlan-dras=0,44) and Х-HDL (rdurk=0.51; ryorkshire = -0,32; rlandras=-0,51); FL - deep muscle (rdurk=-0,40; ryork-shire=0,41; rlandras=-0,51).
FSBEI HE Kazan SAVM after N. E. Bauman